
About Mekong Delta

The Mekong Delta vibrates with colour

The Mekong Delta vibrates with colour - shimmering fields of bright green rice stalks, fanned-out yellow and electric-pink incense sticks drying along roadsides, and lunchtime traffic jams of...

Mekong history

The Mekong Delta was once part of the Khmer kingdom, and was the last region of modern-day Vietnam to be annexed and settled by the Vietnamese. Cambodians, mindful that they controlled the area...

The river of nine Dragons

The Mekong River is one of the world's great rivers and its delta is one of the world's largest. The Mekong originates high in the Tibetan plateau, flowing 4500km through China, between Myanmar and...

Rice production

The ancient Indian word for rice, dhanya ('sustainer of the human race'), is apt when describing the importance of rice to the Vietnamese.