Restaurants in Sa Dec
Chanh KyTel: 864 065
Add: 192 Nguyen Sinh Sac
Mains: 15.000VND
Rice dishes, chaa and tasty noodle soups like rni quang are served here.
Com ThuyTel: 861 644
Add: 439 Hung Vuong
Mains: 15.000VND
This is a local eatery worth Itrying. The food is good, but the bizarre facial expressions on the fish in the big tank are even better!
Quan Com Cay SungTel: 861 749
Add: 87 Hung Vuong
Mains 15,000VND
is next door to Thuy and also serves respectable Vietnamese fare.
A bit further south on Hung Vuong St are a few good
noodle soup shops (soups around 5000VND).